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Sydney Grammar Kindergarten for Boys

Kindergarten Master, Susan Ward, on the milestones of the Kindergarten year

Social and emotional development is at the heart of the Kindergarten programme at St Ives Prep, Sydney Grammar School. Our aim is for boys to be confident, happy, and socially connected.

Sydney Grammar Kindergarten for Boys

Sydney Grammar Kindergarten is Play-Based

An emphasis on play ensures boys have multiple opportunities to practise turn-taking, sharing, and negotiating play ideas. It is through these play interactions that boys develop empathy and respect, which in turn positively influences self-esteem and confidence.

Our two large Kindergarten classes have many things in common: dedicated spaces for playing and learning, extensive class libraries, soft spots to relax with a book, and walls filled with the boys’ artworks and ideas.

Whilst our boys are similar in many ways, there is no one-size-fits-all in our Kindergarten. Textbooks and worksheets are avoided in favour of carefully designed tasks that allow all boys to learn at their own pace, resulting in a wide range of different products of learning.

At Grammar we encourage boys to reflect on their learning and gather feedback from a variety of sources. By considering the ideas of others, reflecting on their own growth and being receptive to teacher feedback, our boys become more active in their learning journey, and highly engaged with their progress.

Grammar boys are encouraged to view learning as a lifelong journey, instead of a race or a competition. During each learning activity, intrapersonal skills such as motivation and perseverance hold equal importance to the acquisition of skills and knowledge. Boys are continually focused on effort, deep thinking, accepting challenges, taking risks, making mistakes and ‘having a go’.

Given the opportunity, our boys rise to the challenge of showing initiative and being independent, moving happily through their Kindergarten year in leaps and bounds.

Apply now for Kindergarten at

Sydney Grammar School St Ives Prep, Ayres Road, St Ives

To find out more, contact Enrolments on 8302 5200


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